[-$17,000] Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

New Job

I’ve survived two weeks at the new job. The first week was super stressful. Everything is new – process, tools, people. The second day on the job, I had a meeting with a small group of directors, who lead various units, who piled on everything they wanted me to do. I wanted to bolt from that place all day, every day. I felt completely out of my depth.   

The second week was somewhat better. I still want to bolt from there, but only maybe twice a day now. I’m very slowly learning things, but not working at nearly the speed they want me to. And I have so much more to learn. It still feels overwhelming.

And the long commute is brutal. At my old job, I could tolerate the commute because I could work from home a couple days a week. At this job, you have to be in the office every day. Meetings run from 9-5 daily and occasionally later. Add my commute and I’m away almost 12 hours a day – going to work, working, and traveling back from work. It’s exhausting. And it’s why I haven’t posted sooner.


New Paycheck

I got my first paycheck already, as I will get paid every week now. (I like that!) The money looks better, but holy cow the tax withholding! Looking at the paystub reminded me that over 36% of what I earn is taken by taxes and mandatory deductions. Oh well. I won’t go on that rant again.

Anyway, my first few paychecks will not be typical because my 401k withdrawals don’t start until July 1st. My health insurance (and its premiums $$) doesn’t start until August 1! So, subsequent paychecks will be smaller. I was able to put $1000 toward the debt so far.

Once my paychecks become typical (assuming I haven’t run away screaming from the job by that point), I can then put together a new spending plan.


What to Do

Sometimes I’m not sure if I should use my paychecks to keep paying down the debt or give myself a bigger cash cushion if this job doesn’t work out. I feel like I need to look into other options as a fallback. Or maybe it’s just new job nervousness?


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW Archives)


  1. Maria · June 22, 2019

    Ugh, I’m sorry the new work is so stressful and the commute is bad on top of it!

    I’m sure it will get noticably better when you get more settled there. But even so, maybe this IS a job that will continue to be very stressful, and one you’ll only keep for some months while you pay off debt/hoard cash.

    I think I would focus on paying off the debt for now. It seems like it’s too early to say how long you’ll stay at this new job, so I think I’d wait to save up more cash until you feel sure you want to quit very soon, or maybe if/when you’ve definitely decided on specific career transition classes that are starting soon etc. Or maybe some combo, pay off debt and save up a a couple of ks simultaneously.

    But you have to do what makes most sense for you.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · June 24, 2019

      Yes. This job will not be long term (over a year). I just need to stay long enough to pay off the debt and save cash. It just feels like getting to that point will take forever. Thanks for the advice. This is along the lines of what I’m thinking now.


  2. Terri · June 22, 2019

    What is your cash cushion at now? (How many months worth, or the dollar amount?) It might not be a bad idea to have a “go fuck this job” fund (excuse the language.) I know you want to pay down this debt more than anything and you will. But is it really worth your mental health? NO. Especially if ulcers come out of this situation too. And as for your not working at the speed they want you at, well screw them. You’re brand new. They will have to deal. Just like anyone when they are new, there is a learning curve.

    But honestly go with your gut — what is it telling you to do? (If you want to talk online, reply to the email I have with this comment and we can chat.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Double Debt Single Woman · June 24, 2019

      Hey Terri!
      Thanks so much for offering to talk. 🙂

      I have about $12k in cash. This blog format kind of hides it, but if you scroll all the way to the bottom of any page, it shows my current debt and savings dollar amounts.

      Fortunately, I don’t think I’m at ulcer levels yet. I’m stressed, but I’m not currently planning to actually run away this week or anything. (I can’t speak for next week, though! lol) I think I’m just feeling the need to be cautious with money, because I don’t yet know how I’ll fare against the continuing learning curve. I think it’s new job nerves more than anything.

      Thank you again for your support. If things go really south, I’ll be in touch.



  3. Solitary Diner · June 22, 2019

    Sorry the job is so much work and stress. I hope things will get better with time. I can’t believe how small your debt has gotten – I’m constantly impressed by how aggressively and consistently you’ve tackled it. I’m looking forward to the zero debt post!


  4. Cathy · June 29, 2019

    Darn! I was hoping this job would be easier. But, remember this is a bridge job; a bridge to no debt and savings. Keep praying and take it one day at a time.


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