[-$71,637] Are There Financial Benefits to Being ‘Single AF’?

It is safe to say that I am single AF, hence the title of this blog.
I know right?! Finally, truth in advertising!

All joking seriousness aside, it’s good to know that others in my situation are managing to find a faint silver lining to the cloud that is our sad lives…and that lining might be financial.

First, let’s face it. For those of us who are in debt, being single makes getting out of debt even more of a struggle. Couples simply have more money to throw at debt. They can lean on each other for financial security in the event of job loss, etc. Plus sharing a house / apartment  and living expenses with an SO or spouse provides a significant step up in quality of life vs. living with rando roommates. Need I go on? There are many, many financial advantages to being in a relationship.

There may also be, however, a few benefits to being single when paying off debt. Gasp! Did I just say that? Well, it depends on how you want to look at things.  Read More

[-$72,452] Student Loan Conqueror?

Hey Peeps!

Time seems to be flying by. I’ve been on an information diet for the last two weeks and feel a lot better. Really. If any world shaking event happens, I’ll hear about it from other people. Apart from that, I’m avoiding the news media for now.

Student Loan Conqueror!

Shout out to Liz @ Less Debt More Wine for featuring my story as a part of her Student Loan Conqueror series. It was fun to participate. If you have student loan debt, I’d encourage you to check out the other profiles and take advantage of the advice they’ve shared, as I have.   Read More

[-$83,290] In the Papers

On Valentine’s Day, I toyed around with the idea of re-upping this post about being awkwardly single in the workplace or something equally as snarky, but, sigh, I didn’t get around to it.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this while perusing the interwebs…

…an article posted both on MarketWatch and the NY Post featuring a couple of quotes from yours truly!

I was interviewed for this months ago and had forgotten about it. Seems timely that it would post on Valentine’s Day.

Provocative NY Post title aside, give it a read. Is it junk or truth? Share your thoughts.




“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW) [Link to Archive]