[-$24,254] I Quit My Job

It’s done. It’s finally over.

I couldn’t stay at that job for another week. I was either on the verge of tears or actually crying every day. I was stressed out, burned out, and not sleeping.     

No, I didn’t quit without doing any planning.

I quit because I FINALLY got a job offer.  In an ideal world, I wouldn’t have accepted this new role. I’m not crazy about the job, but it was the only offer on the table, the only train smokin’ out of town. And I needed OUT. It was the ‘frying pan to fire’ job I described in a prior post. The environment is fast paced, which is typically not good for someone trying to recover from burnout. But who knows, maybe the change in environment will help. I won’t know anything for sure until I start working.

On quitting day, I was a little sad as I walked in… until I got to my desk and saw that someone had stolen my chair…AGAIN.

I immediately became pissed off and was reminded of why I’m leaving. Multiple times over the past year, someone (different people, maybe?), has/have passed by at least two other identical available chairs belonging to other coworkers and grabbed mine and taken it who knows where. I know. It’s a tiny thing, an insignificant thing. But it’s been an annoyance all the same. The last little nail in the coffin of this job.

Me, on my last day, except with no chair at my desk


I gave my resignation to my manager, who already knew it was coming. Manager was AWESOME that day and walked me through everything all day right until I packed up to leave. As Manager will also be leaving very soon, this was good practice for both of us. My remaining teammates were great as well.

Walking out the door for the last time was surprisingly emotional. I had to stop myself from crying. As much as I wanted out of there, I realized that I was leaving a few good things behind too. (Just a few.)

But by the time I got home though, this was me.

I felt like 20 pounds of stress was lifted off my shoulders. The even better news is that I have the next two and a half weeks off and one back paycheck due.

I’ve been giddy with the excitement of my total freedom ever since. I’ve been catching up on sleep, first and foremost. My goal is to get this relaxed before the Day of Reckoning, the day the new job starts.

One lesson learned for me is not to wait until things get so bad in a job before I leave. I don’t want to resent any job or myself. I think back to my younger self on my first day at my (now former) job and feel bad that I did her a disservice. I don’t want to keep leaving future jobs because I was fired or forced to jump to something, anything, else. I want to leave because I’m moving up to something better. I will start doing that now and going forward.

I plan to work this next job for a year and use that time to prep for a new phase in my career. More on this in future posts.

For now, I’m free.


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW Archives)


  1. Cathy Edwards · May 22, 2019

    AWESOME! You’ve been in my prayers and I thank God it worked out! Now I’m praying your new job is a good one and you adapt easily and quickly! So happy for you and I hope you got a raise!


    • No Debt But Love · May 22, 2019

      I couldn’t agree more with this. Get that raise, the nice corner office with the skyline view.


      • Double Debt Single Woman · May 23, 2019

        I’d love that! Unfortunately, in my field we don’t get the luxury of offices, or even cubicles anymore. Working in my own office with a door and a window would be a dream come true. But yeah, my long term plan is to move to something better for me.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 23, 2019

      Thanks, Cathy! I’ll sort out the money in a future post.


  2. Authoress51 · May 22, 2019

    I’ve done that. It’s tough not to be happy where you work. I hope you like your new job coming up.


  3. Candice · May 22, 2019

    CONGRATULATIONS! That is all.


  4. bookishbiker · May 22, 2019

    WAHOOOOO good for you.


  5. Paul, London · May 23, 2019

    I hope the time in between jobs will be a nice chance to relax and have some quality “me time”. I had a similar situation years ago when a really good work place started going down hill with a change of management and policy and I also left when it became very unpleasant but, like you, I went on to better things. Best of luck with your new job.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 23, 2019

      Thanks, Paul. I’m SOOO glad for this break.
      I’m glad you were able to get out of your bad job. Onward and upward!


  6. Maria · May 23, 2019

    GREAT NEWS! You’ve quit your horrible job, you already have a new job and you get two+ weeks off!

    It’s too bad this new job (probably) isn’t a perfect fit, but maybe it’ll be better than you think and it’s just for another year. Pretty much anything has to be better than that last hellish place. And it’s so great you can continue to pay down debt, fund classes etc.

    Have you considered slowing down your retirement contributions this year, so you can be debt free sooner? Or is that perhaps something you just don’t want to do? Just curious. 🙂

    Keep enjoying your time off! 😀


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 23, 2019

      Hey Maria,

      Yeah, I’m hoping it will be better. At least there will be no two-faced Newish Leader instituting policies that I don’t agree with, and no Arrogancia. That is already a win.
      I just need to stick it out for a year, while I pivot to something else.

      About the 401k, I’m still deciding what to do with the money part. That will be the subject of another post. I have a lot of thinking to do. I also have no idea what my paychecks will look like.

      Yes, I will enjoy it. Thanks! 🙂


  7. Debt Dummy · May 23, 2019

    I’m sorry to hear about the struggle. My job is a nightmare too due to management (the work itself is good) and I regularly see a therapist to help me figure out how to make the best of it and not lose my mind while I pay down my loans. Do you have that kind of support too?


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 23, 2019

      I don’t have a therapist. This blog is my therapy. It is!
      I hope your job improves or that you’re able to get a better one.
      Best of luck to you with paying down your loans. I’m right there with you.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sandra ONeill · May 23, 2019

    May your future bring you joy.


  9. Isabella · May 23, 2019

    Hey, hey! This is really good news. I think you were going to have a complete breakdown on that job. Thank goodness there was an escape hatch! You had to get out of there. Now go into that new job with confidence and knowing you can do a good job. Without Newish Leader, the stress will be greatly reduced. Plus you are cruising toward the end of your loans, and just knowing that should give you lots of hope. Then your options will be less constricted.

    Enjoy these two weeks to take care of your mental health. Sleep, eat healthy, exercise, read for fun, get organized etc. Wishing you the best always!


  10. Isabella · May 23, 2019

    PS I would be SO annoyed about that chair situation. Talk about an invasion of personal space!


  11. ASL · May 23, 2019

    So happy you’re free from that stressful job and have time off before you start the next one. Also happy to hear that you plan to continue to look to the future and next steps. Enjoy your freedom over the next 2 weeks!


  12. Jan · May 23, 2019

    I’m so glad your out of there, its just not worth your health – toxic workplaces seem to be everywhere now. I totally get the chair – I have a special back chair and have had it stolen a few times.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 26, 2019

      Thanks, Jan.
      The chair thing was all the more annoying for me because we all have exactly the same chairs. Mine was in no way different from any of my coworkers. Why was mine repeatedly taken? Grrr. Anyway. I’m done with that now. 😀


  13. StubbornMama · May 24, 2019

    Enjoy your 2+ weeks off! You deserve it! You’ve been in my thoughts and I’ve wanted to send you a huge cyber hug as we are likely nowhere near each other! I’m lucky in that I really enjoy my job and management, for the most part, are decent to me. And I really only have one real coworker (the others are in another office entirely) and she and I get along well. But I have been in jobs where, just entering the door, I get anxious and nauseas and it is NOT worth it. Hopefully over this next year, you can decide where you want to go career wise after debt!! I’m rooting for you DDSW!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 26, 2019

      Thank you, Stubborn Mama! I’m feeling better already. Burnout, unfortunately, takes more than 2 weeks to recover from, but I’ll take what I can get.
      Yes, you’re right. It’s not worth it.


  14. C@thesingledollar · May 26, 2019

    That’s great — I’m so glad you got and took the other job and have a chance to breathe. You only need to work at the new place a year, as you say, and I’m hopeful that the knowledge of the time limit will help you deal with anything you don’t like about the environment. With the debt gone and a fair amount in savings it’ll be so much easier to figure out your next move.


  15. Terri · May 31, 2019

    I may not be blogging too much lately, but I’ve kept up on your posts when they come into my email box, and I am so glad for you. I know, the new job isn’t what you would ultimately want, but you just sounded so miserable and so stressed out at this last job. And girl, you are getting so close to paying it all off. I am so happy for you. No job ever deserves to take that much out of you. NEVER!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · May 31, 2019

      Hey Terri!
      We’re waiting for an update post from you, missy! We’ve missed you! 🙂

      Thank you. I’m happy to be out of there and have been enjoying the time off.


  16. Anonymess · June 2, 2019

    I’m so glad you’re out of there. You sounded so distressed when you wrote about it. The new place isn’t perfect, but it sounds … better. I hope it is, and that you find soon what you’d prefer to be working at.


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