[-$56,000] It’s Half Gone! I’ve Paid Off 50% of My Student Loan Debt!

Another milestone post!  This one will be short and sweet.

I made an extra $912 payment today. (That’s almost back up to my goal of paying $1000 extra/month).

I did this because it looks like my housing situation will be stabilizing soon and I may not have to move after all, at least not anytime in the very near future. My rent will still be going up until we find someone else to move in. It may take a couple of months or so, because we don’t want any more drama and will take our time with selection.

When I started this blog, my student loan debt topped out at $112,258.

Today, it is at $56,000.

I’ve paid off 50% of my student loan debt!

I have now reached the peak of the mountain and only have to roll the boulder downhill  from now on.


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW Archives)



  1. Debt Free Alpha · February 28, 2018

    Congratulations on reaching the 50% mark with your debt payoff plans. This is huuuuge!!!! You’re doing an amazing job, keep up the great work! There is light at the end of the tunnel.


  2. Michelle · March 1, 2018

    That is amazing!! Congratulations, it is all downhill from here!!!


  3. Rachel Allene · March 1, 2018

    Woot Woot!!! So happy for you – way to go! Your hard work is paying off!!!


  4. Leolin Bowen · March 1, 2018

    Congratulations! I am still working my way up my hill so you are motivating me!


  5. The Bookworm · March 1, 2018

    You are such a ROCKSTAR!!!


  6. Isabella · March 1, 2018

    Awesome! What a journey you have had, but you kept at it. Downhill, girl!


  7. rmblsandrnts · March 1, 2018

    Congrats! -halfway there, halfway there- 🙂 I’m just beginning my uphill trek, so it’s nice to see that hard work will pay off!


  8. Maria · March 1, 2018

    Congratulations, that is so awesome!

    And great new about your housing situation too. Even though your rent will be going up some and even though it’s not a given how long you can stay, every month you get to stay there helps, right? (As I’ve understood it, even with the increased rent it’s significantly cheaper than most other rentals in your area.)

    Are you still planning on spending your bonus and tax returns on the credit card debt, vacation etc, or are you making any changes now that your housing situation is looking up?



    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Hi Maria. Thanks! Yes, I am putting money towards paying off the credit card debt, which will include expenses incurred from the vacation.
      I plan to keep renting this room for as long as it makes sense to do so.


  9. Krista · March 1, 2018

    That’s amazing! And so nice that you don’t have to worry about finding a new place to live:) I find that super duper stressful.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Yes, that pressure seems to have been relieved, thankfully, but I still would benefit from having money available (opportunity fund?) to cover anything unexpected. Life is never predictable, as we know! 🙂


  10. Fiscally Fit Chica · March 1, 2018

    I’m so proud of you and happy!


  11. C@thesingledollar · March 1, 2018

    What a great post to see! I’m so happy for you, and so excited to see you slide downhill!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Hey, C!
      Thanks! I wish paying this off was as much fun as actually sliding down the side of a hill, but I’ll take what I can get for now. 🙂


  12. zeejaythorne · March 2, 2018



  13. Solitary Diner · March 2, 2018

    That’s all very exciting! Congrats on reaching the halfway point, and happy to hear that you will likely not have to move. Yay for reasonable housing costs.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Exactly! Housing costs where I live are insane.
      It’s very motivating to know that I have less to pay than I have already paid. Thanks!


  14. Viking Tantan · March 3, 2018

    Congratulations! Also, not sure when you’re heading towards my way, but as far as maps, download the Naver map app if you have a smartphone. It’s way more accurate than google maps and now comes in English. 🙂 Let me know if there is anything else you might want a heads up on. 🙂


  15. czanclus · March 4, 2018

    Wonderful milestone, congratulations and welcome to the “downhill” ride.
    As it happens, I am too just approaching the 50% loan payoff “peak” if I count only the two remaining federal loans and not my now 7 years bygone private loan I paid off in 2011. The total original principal on those two loans was $56,100, and as of 03/15/18, I should be down to $28,050. I don’t know if I can sustain the extra principal payments like I had planned though, so this last $28,050 will for a while feel more like a downhill drag than a stroll. Better income needed PRONTO! This whole X part-time gigs stunt I’m trying to pull off is really getting old.

    Hope once your trip is over you and your current roommate find a great new roommate, and you can crush that loan well before the projected finish line.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Thanks, czanclus.
      Congrats on nearing your own milestone. As I’ve learned, when taking years to pay off debt, a short break here and there is ok. Your health and sanity are more important.


  16. Anonymess · March 12, 2018

    That’s awesome. Congratulations! I hope you celebrate yourself for the hard work that went into reaching this milestone.


  17. Nicole · March 23, 2018

    That is incredible! Focus and attention to paying that debt down is literally paying off. Great work!


  18. jenakemi · March 25, 2018

    First time visiting your blog, and I love it!
    Great job on this milestone. I myself have half a million dollars in student loan debt and I can only dream of the day when its half way paid.

    – Dr. J


    • Double Debt Single Woman · March 26, 2018

      Hi, Dr. J. Welcome! 🙂
      $500K+ in student loan debt is … wow.
      It looks like you’re planning to start a blog about your experience paying this off. I look forward to reading more about it.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. misspennymoney1 · June 25, 2018

    This is an amazing achievement! Huge congratulations.


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