[-$69,966] I’m in the 60’s! It’s Outta Sight!

A year ago today, I’d also reached another milestone. I’d just broken the six-figure debt barrier and had only $98,992 of debt at the time. That was cause for celebration. This, reaching the 60’s, is also something to celebrate. I hope this will mark a July milestone trend.

Current stats from my lender:

Original Balance: $112,258
Remaining Balance: $69,966
Monthly Payments:
Term Remaining on Debtor’s Prison Sentence: 2 years and 4 months
Current (variable) Interest rate: 4.20%  (up from original rate of 3.42%)

LoL@ my interest rate now being 420 just as I reach the 60’s. 🙂

(While we’re in that territory, shout out to Steppenwolf for sharing their ‘Magic Carpet Rides’ with us). 😉

That reminds me…

Put on your boogie threads

Yeah, you know what time it is. It’s time for some CCR.

Creedence Clearwater Revival – Down on the Corner (1969)

Well, my friends, that was a nickel well spent.

Blogger Blast

The One in Debt @ Stupid Debt motivated me to look at my budget and spending after seeing her very detailed accounting ledger. She’s a Gen-Xer  and single mom. “$73,335 in debt – I’m going to pay it off d*mn it!”, she declares.

MrsPickyPincher @PickyPinchers writes about frugality, including advice for keeping grocery spending under control. MrsPickyPincher (and her husband) are paying off over $200k in debt including mortgage and student loan debt. They just paid off MrsPickyPincher’s $25k student loan debt in 7 months thanks to some serious monthly mega payments.


What’s Next

I’m jazzed about being in the 60’s.  The 50’s are within sight and that’s when I’ll finally start to feel Iike I’m pushing this infernal boulder downhill instead of uphill.


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW Archives)



  1. mrspickypincher · July 14, 2017

    Oh wow, thank you for the mention! 🙂 Getting into the 60s feels amazing!!! I can’t wait to see you get into the 30s by next July, judging by your numbers. You can do it!!!!


  2. Isabela · July 14, 2017

    Woo hoo! You got this, girl! CCR–one of my all-time favorites.


  3. The One in Debt · July 14, 2017

    OMG thank you for the shout out! And I just threw an $800 snowball at that d*mn debt yesterday. Wish I could do it more often.
    I love that song. I am going to love the 30s pop culture when you hit another major milestone next year!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · July 15, 2017

      Congrats on the extra payment. I know the feeling of having to wait foreverrrrrr to get money for the next payment. You won’t have to wait until next year. I celebrate every $10k of debt payoff as a milestone – 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s and so on. The next stop later this year will be the 50s. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. cashedupcountess · July 14, 2017

    That’s amazing movement on a year ago! I hope your proud of yourself


    • Double Debt Single Woman · July 15, 2017

      Thank you! I’m slowly starting to feel less panicked about my debt. Once I get into mid-50s or so, I can start to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Having already paid off over $30k of credit card debt, I will be back in familiar territory and will feel more confident and less overwhelmed.


    • Maria · July 17, 2017

      I hope you’re proud of yourself, you’re doing great!


  5. Matt · July 15, 2017

    Congrats! I never thought it would be great to go back to the 60’s but you changed my attitude on that! haha


  6. zeejaythorne · July 16, 2017

    You have come so far! This snowball seems to be speeding up! Congrats!


  7. thesingledollar · July 16, 2017


    You should consider dressing as your decade for the four months or so you spend there. People on the street will be like “what?” as you sashay by in love beads (now) and Mad Men knockoffs (later this year.)


    • Double Debt Single Woman · July 22, 2017

      🙂 LoL. That would be cool! I’d definitely get attention around here, although maybe not for the best reasons. ha!


  8. Fiscally Fit Chica · July 19, 2017

    You go girl! You’re getting closer!


  9. Kevin · July 20, 2017

    Congrats! It is quite the journey to pay this much debt off and it looks like you are doing very good. One thing that really motivated us was to see how much interest we were paying as well as how much we were saving by paying our loans off early. We saved about $40K in interest by paying our loans off early.


    • Double Debt Single Woman · July 22, 2017

      Congrats on your debt payoff! I can’t wait to get there. Thank you!


      • Kevin · July 22, 2017

        I’m going to share your blog with my family. It is great to find blogs of people in the process rather than after the fact. Keep up the good work!


  10. Parik Kumar · July 25, 2017

    When Michelangelo was asked how he creates his masterpiece sculptures he said he just kept chipping away until he saw David. Chip away and create your financial freedom masterpiece. My wife and I are also tackling our mortgage and we hope to have it conquered in 2.5 years. Discipline and persistence are so under rated because of the time duration over which the results are realized. Good luck to you, very inspiring !!!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · July 28, 2017

      Thank you, Parik. Yeah, focusing on the next milestone keeps me motivated. That way I’m much less overwhelmed by the total $100k debt or $69k debt, but instead focusing on knocking out the next $9k. Every payment is a chip. 🙂


  11. Nicole · September 11, 2017

    Wow! So inspired by you.Your pay off numbers are fan-freaking-tasting! Whew! In one year that is A lot of debt gone.

    I so want to reach the high 60s before this year is over. Right now, I am in that turmoil of …save more in the emergency fund or pay down debt phase. I have a goal number idea of EF before end of year and pay down stupid interest rate on this house. Decisions…


    • Nicole · September 11, 2017

      And I meant fan-freaking-tastic! Lol!


    • Double Debt Single Woman · September 13, 2017

      Thanks! Yeah, there are always more options than money, unfortunately.


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