…And in Rolls the Thunder: More Job Worries

Clouds are seen above skyscrapers in lower New York

Things are still tense and uncertain at work. Those of us at my small satellite office feel that something is going to happen, but we don’t know what.  This week, a couple of my co-workers saw a small group of people walking around and taking measurements and pictures of our rented office space! My co-workers asked them who they were and were told that they were from Facilities Management [which represents the corporation that owns the building] and nothing more. Really!?!

It’s horrible working with a sword over our heads. We’ve had a handful of people jump ship voluntarily in the last week or so. I’m so worried that I may lose my job (and health benefits) before I can have this surgery and before I can build up an emergency fund.

There is a sliver of hope in this. Our company does have another office space in the city where I work. There is a possibility that we could be moved other there. Maybe? …  Kinda? … Sigh.

woman stressed

Ok, so there are three ways that this plays out:

1. I keep my job and everything stays the same. Everything that’s happened is all a coincidence. (Blue pill, anyone?)

2. I keep my job along with some/most/all others of us who are left in our office and we are relocated to another company building across town.

3. I lose my job along with some/most/all others in our office space. If anyone survives, they are relocated across town.

So there! That must mean I have a greater than 65% chance of keeping my job, right?  Maybe?! … Kinda?!  …Sigh.  Ok, ok, I’m being facetious with my ‘calculation’, but I need to find a reason to smile. And it sort of feels like I’m in a game of chance right now. Most people at work are worried that it is their job category that’s going to get cut. So we are trying to re-assure each other as much as we can.


I’m taking a look at several job boards. What’s out there right now is not very impressive; way too many contract openings and not enough permanent positions. And for what jobs that are available, I’ll be competing against many younger workers with fresh new degrees and cutting edge skills. My skills have atrophied since I graduated. I have a lot of training to do to get my skills up to date.

I used to have recruiters contacting me every so often. A few months ago, I had 4 really big name places want to get me in to interview with them. I turned them all down. Two of the roles were too senior level for me and wouldn’t have been a good fit. For the other two, I was just afraid of change. I was afraid I’d bomb the interview (I’ve done that before), or worse yet, get the job and then fail at it and get fired (ditto). Maybe I should have applied for those positions when I had the chance. In recent weeks, I haven’t heard a peep from any recruiters. Hiring usually ramps up in starting in April (2nd Quarter), so maybe things are just in a lull and I’ll see more openings soon. Let’s hope. Maybe this is a sign that I need to move on.


Thanks SingleDollar, Maria, and Fiscally Fit Chica for your positive thoughts!

Ahh, another reason to hate debt. If I didn’t have that blasted credit card debt and instead had $30,000 sitting in my bank account, I’d be totally relaxed right now. If I got axed, I’d bank my severance pay and probably take some time to travel. Maybe I’d teach English in another country for a year and live life. Who knows? The point is, I’d have options.  Right now, I’m broke and at someone else’s mercy…. again.  I hate this…


Ok, enough of my blathering. I need to get to the job boards. I really, really don’t like interviewing and being on the job market, but I can’t sit back and wait for who knows what to happen. My lesson for today: If you have a secure job, even if you don’t like it, be grateful for it. …And get out of debt!


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW)


  1. C@thesingledollar · March 29, 2015

    Oh man — you’re right that you have to just get out there and start looking — still, I really feel for you! I’ve been on the job market for three years running and it is Not. Fun.


    • doubledebtsinglewoman · April 1, 2015

      Yeah, I can understand what you’re going through. I escaped the academic job market after I finally graduated and didn’t look back. It’s a brutal process to get that coveted tenure-track position, but once you do, hey, you have a shot at tenure. On corporate side, there are more jobs, but less job security with each passing year. There are fewer permanent positions and more contract work overall. It’s not fun anywhere. 😦


  2. Chonce · March 29, 2015

    That’s such a valuable lesson to be grateful for what you have and work hard to get your financial situation together. I really hope things work out for your job. I’m glad you’re looking at job boards thought as a backup, you can never be too prepared especially in today’s job industry.


    • doubledebtsinglewoman · April 1, 2015

      Agreed! Thanks for the positive words. I hope things work out too so that I don’t have to change jobs in the near future and can keep my employer insurance and other health benefits until this medical issue is dealt with.


  3. B. · March 30, 2015

    Eek! Sorry to hear about work – I think you’re probably spot on about hiring ramping up in April though, so hang tough!
    Has your management team given you guys any updates or heads ups?


    • doubledebtsinglewoman · April 1, 2015

      I’m hanging tough, for now at least. Thanks. 😉 Yeah, I’m keeping a lookout for anything interesting and have sent a few resumes out. I haven’t seen any job postings that are lighting my world on fire. We have not gotten any updates yet. Our division leaders are in closed door meetings with executives for the next few weeks while said executives take a fine toothed comb to our processes to see how our division can be streamlined and made more ‘efficient’. So we may know something by as early as the end of the month. Trust me, as soon as I know, you guys will know!


  4. ouestmonchat · March 31, 2015

    Hi, I’m a new reader of your blog and will continue to follow along so I thought I’d make myself known.

    I hear ya about all of this job anxiety… my old full time job was (is still?) like this. There was a big lay off last summer with many people simply dismissed without explanation. There was not even a single memo to the remaining employees reassuring them of the future of the company and their jobs. I knew my job was relatively safe given the position I was in but that utter lack of human consideration drove me to hunt for a new job like never before. I researched, studied, and strategized as much as I could in my free time. I was so angry! But showed a cool exterior while I took personal days to go on interviews and enthusiastically trained a co-worker to take over my responsibilities during my two-week’s notice. So, if you want some unsolicited advice… get angry! But have control over it and use it to your advantage. It can reduce any fear and hesitation you may have concerning the unknown.

    Sorry for getting wordy on you. Anyway, that last sentence of yours in this entry is golden. Thank you.


  5. doubledebtsinglewoman · April 1, 2015

    After I was ‘let go’ from my last position, I learned a cold, hard lesson about getting emotionally invested in any job. I learned that an employer isn’t there to take care of me.We have a contractual arrangement, nothing more. When they don’t need me anymore, out I go. An employer doesn’t ‘owe me’ a livelihood. It’s my responsibility to make sure that my finances are in order so that I am not dependent on them. My manager is not my parent. My co-workers are not my friends. They don’t owe me anything either. That may sound harsh to some people, but I don’t mean it in a mean way. It’s just a matter of fact.

    This was a tough lesson to learn, but I’m better for it. I lost a sense of entitlement that I didn’t even know I had. I like my current job a LOT more than my last job. My co-workers are really great. If I lose this job, I’ll be sad and won’t like it, but I won’t be angry at my employer. It’s business. I can also leave them anytime with two weeks notice. So, at the end of the day, it’s up to me to open up opportunities for myself – just like you did with your job.

    Yeah, the last sentence is always my tagline. It is very true, because I live through it everyday. Thanks for commenting! 🙂


  6. C@thesingledollar · April 12, 2015

    Hi, DDSW — you still out there? I hope everything’s ok. Been thinking about you and your job/health stuff.


  7. doubledebtsinglewoman · April 12, 2015

    @thesingledollar: I’m still around! All of my savings money has gone to pay that ER bill. I’m counting the days until payday. Everything is in a holding pattern for the time being. I hope to know more within the next couple of weeks about the health issues. At work, no notice of anything. There are some executive meetings at the end of the month. Maybe we’ll know more then. Another small group of random people were spotted being shown around our work space this past week. It’s all just weird. Will post when I can. Thanks for checking on me. 🙂


    • thesingledollar · April 13, 2015

      Glad to hear that so far so “good” though — just hang on and wait for payday (I am too actually, though for less good reasons.)


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