I Got a Job!!!

new job

[Photocredit: Anitah@Flickr]

I just got a job offer! It was the job I discussed earlier. So I called the recruiter last week. Surprisingly, he answered his phone and was pleasant. (I had a bad experience two months ago with a recruiter affiliated with another company who would not answer my phone calls or return them. Companies should really be careful with hiring poor external recruiters.) Anyway, that was not the case this time. He told me that discussions were ongoing, that I was the top candidate, and to wait. So I waited, and waited – until today!  That’s the good news!

The not so good news..

Hand, pen and blank document

The salary presented is lower than I was expecting – about $7k below the floor of my pay bracket based on comparable salaries for similar positions in the area. I mentioned this to the recruiter. He gave me a standard line about this being a fair offer based on my background and experience. His demeanor gave the impression that he was testing my reaction and that there was no room for negotiation.

I feel that I am being low-balled, but I have no leverage to negotiate. I’m unemployed and have no competing offers on the table from other companies. They know this. Undoubtedly, the company has a backup candidate who will take this job if I don’t. Granted they do offer good benefits and the “potential” for bonuses. (We all know that “potential” means that there probably won’t be any bonuses. Analogy:  Think of the “potential bonus” as the mechanical rabbit that slides along the rail at dog track races.  It’s a moving target that none of the poor dogs ever gets to catch.)  So, I’m over a barrel.  “Them’s the breaks.”

Once I see the full offer in writing and get more clarification over benefits, I’ll try to negotiate anyway. As long as my demeanor is appropriate, there should be no harm in asking.


In the meantime, I’m excited for this ordeal to be over. It’s only been three months for me, but I can’t bear the thought of sitting through one more interview. The pay may not be what I want, but it pays much better than unemployment. Once I have started the job (~2 weeks from now), I’ll post up a revised debt pay down budget. My part-time online job is still going along as well and bringing in some extra dollars.  I can’t wait to get back on track with killing this debt.

I have to pack and move within the next week. As a part of the process, I will be shedding even more stuff in order to be more mobile. I have temporary accommodations arranged in the new city while I look for a new room to rent.

Happy Dance!

happy dance


“Debtor’s prison is real, and opportunity cost is a bitch.” (DDSW)


  1. Quincy Jones · July 23, 2013

    WONDERFUL!!! Congrats on the new job!


  2. CollegeMom · August 20, 2013

    Congratulations! This is wonderful news. I’ve been following you for several months and I’m so glad you didn’t quit blogging. Three months is not so long compared to a lot of people and I’m not trying to minimize your situation….but just mean that this offers others encouragement to hang in there.

    I don’t think I could ever go to the extremes you’ve gone, but you have inspired me to do with less. By the time my husband and I move to a smaller home (I’m in my 50s) maybe I’ll be rid of everything! 🙂

    Congratulations again and at the risk of sounding condescending, you should be really proud of yourself for the actions you’ve taken to maintain control of your life and finances. I admire you.


    • doubledebtsinglewoman · August 25, 2013

      Thank you for your kind words. As you can see in my most recent post, I stumble and have a long way to go to reach my goals, but the support of others in the same boat with me keep me going!


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